Thursday, May 5, 2011

War of 1812 in the Missouri Territory

As the Western Plains Fife and Drum Corps we try to portray the fifes and drums of the militia particularly of the Missouri Territorial Militia of the War of 1812. Here is a great website on the War of 1812 in the Missouri Territory that I have found helpful and easy to use:  I especially like the part labeled the "St. Louis Theater of the War". This was as close as the fighting got to Colorado, and in fact much of Colorado was technicaly part of the Missouri Territory.

-Peter Bringe


  1. War of 1812, huh? :-)

    That site was interesting. It's funny how you really don't hear alot about the battles and skirmishes fought in WI, Il, MO, and the other non-New England states. Actualy, you really don't hear much about the War of 1812 at all. Those of us that have learned about the war really ought to make a big deal about the bicenntenial next year. I wonder if there will be any big celebrations for it? Somebody's got to keep America's history alive!

    My Mom told me that she was never taught about the War of 1812, when she was in school. She didn't learn about it until she started homeschooling us. I think that is so sad. Every American should be taught about the war. It is still part of our history, regardless of the war's outcome.

    Thanks for sharing!
    In Christ,

  2. Here is the website of the Bicentennial of the war: I know many friends that are looking forward to reenacting it. I'm hoping to make it to the bicentennial of the battle of Tippecanoe in November, although we haven’t made a final decision yet.

    What do you mean "regardless of the war's outcome"? After all, we won (well, unless you ask a Canadian :).

    -Peter Bringe

  3. By "regardless of the war's outcome," I only meant that many people consider it to be "the war nobody won."
    Is the bicentennial of the battle of Tippecanoe being celebrated this November or next November? That sounds exciting!
    In Christ,

  4. This November, the 5 & 6.

    -Peter Bringe
    Deo Vindice
